Cost Effective Professional Water Analysis
Providing not just results, but answers. |
There are many commercial testing laboratories throughout the country. However, they pride themselves in being multi-disciplined, meaning they test soil, wastewater, food, pharmaceuticals, etc. At Water Diagnostics, we focus on drinking water testing and analysis. You can be confident we understand water, water quality, and water chemistry. Water Diagnostics has the resources for testing your water with the most advanced instrumentation available on the market.
Water Diagnostics is certified with the State of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, & Consumer Protection (DATCP) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Water Diagnostics is an all-inclusive testing laboratory for private well owners, public water systems (pws), pump installers, and everyone who is required to test the quality of drinking water, and anyone who is concerned about the quality of their drinking water.
We offer reliable, convenient, prompt service with important added value:
Water Diagnostics supplies all necessary bottles, labels, and forms. Results of the tests can be faxed, e-mailed, mailed -- whichever you prefer. Water test results can be electronically submitted directly to the Wisconsin DNR.
Water Diagnostics believes the best water testing will be done by a local, trusted business with the attention to service that only a neighbor can give. We serve all of Wisconsin, but primarily Ozaukee County and these communities: